Enhance your Natural Intuitive Healing SkillsExperience Key Strategies for Emotional and Physical Healing

Unlock Your Profound Energetic Healing Gifts and Align with Life Empowering Skills that 

Create Instant Emotional and Physical healing.

Are you ready to connect with other enlightened souls from around the world and gain 

access to the knowledge and wisdom of Thetahealing, one of the most sought after 

Healing Techniques in the World?

Enhance your Natural Intuitive Healing SkillsExperience Key Strategies for Emotional and Physical Healing

Unlock Your Profound Energetic Healing Gifts and Align with Life Empowering Skills that 

Create Instant Emotional and Physical healing.

Are you ready to connect with other enlightened souls from around the world and gain access to the knowledge and wisdom of Thetahealing, one of the most sought after Healing Techniques in the World?

who is this for?

You are interested in diving deeper into Quantum Physics and Spirituality. That place where interacting 

with your higher power creates profound wellness, enlightenment and balance.

you are ready to change your LIFE IN MAGNIFICENT ways beyond previous understanding 

and create healing for yourself and others.

Your goal is to lead an ABUNDANT LIFE while also making a positive impact in the world, all while 

experiencing GREAT JOY in the process

You find yourself FEELING STUCK in your life, with a health condition and feel unable 

to move forward as you are lacking clarity about YOUR FUTURE.

who is this for?

You are interested in diving deeper into Quantum Physics and Spirituality. That place where interacting 

with your higher power creates profound wellness, enlightenment and balance.

you are ready to change your LIFE IN MAGNIFICENT ways beyond previous understanding 

and create healing for yourself and others.

Your goal is to lead an ABUNDANT LIFE while also making a positive impact in the world, all while 

experiencing GREAT JOY in the process

You find yourself FEELING STUCK in your life, with a health condition and feel unable 

to move forward as you are lacking clarity about YOUR FUTURE.

Course Prerequisites


Prerequisite: None required.

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The Basic DNA course introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating your innate gifts beyond the 12 strands of DNA. Each participant.will experience a deep connection in the Creation Brainwave of Theta where we activate your Super Consciousness! And as you step into the "Miracle Zone" with our Creator as your guide you will experience lightning speed healing that will awaken and align you with infinite possibilities.

The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, history and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. We inherit beliefs and emotions from our ancestors which hold us back and limit us from our greatest health, love, abundance, and success! We also activate all the greatness we inherited. This level we call the genetic level and this profound process allows you to permanently clear what no longer serves you so you can recreate the experience you wish to have.

You will experience a Heart Expansion through the Unconditional Love of the Creator like you have never known before. This like all things will ripple out into your life so you now attract everything differently through the eyes of our Creator/God. You will learn to identify your own limiting patterns in all aspects of your life as well as practice clearing and resolving timelines that have haunted you for far too long. You will no longer be repeating what feels like a family curse or karma. as you learn to identify dysfunctional ancestral patterns of belief that hold you back from healing and living the life you deserve.

Total Value: $1299

Today Just: $999

Dates: May 6th -8th, 2024


Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite:  Basic DNA 3 day course

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The Advanced DNA course expands on the information in the Basic DNA Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. You will discover how to heal yourself and others with the “Baby in the Womb” and “The Broken Soul” exercises. The student will receive Feelings and Knowing's that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them.

This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings, such as “knowing how to appreciate the now” and “what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.” As a student of ThetaHealing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work and enhance your knowledge on downloads. You will learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises while building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.

During this course Melinda will guide you in understanding viruses and vaccines, why you attracted it and how to clear it from the collective consciousness. We will dive deeper into the entity aspect, and reverse any and all DNA damage from childhood. A cleanse and nutritional support is recommended as part of any protocol Melinda offers. We will also be clearing harmful bacteria, parasites, candida, mental illness, dissolving kidney stones and healing bones. It’s a fascinating journey and one you definitely do not want to miss.

Each student will have the opportunity to ask questions and individual health challenges are addressed and shifted. Class size is limited for this reason. Much learning is accomplished through this in depth process Melinda guides you through. This process alone is priceless and as you learn her system of bringing it all together you recognize your ability to assist others in their personal healing and create a business for yourself and your family. You now are honoring your Soul Purpose and embracing Time Freedom. This is your time to Shine Brightly doing what you love that brings you Joy!



Dates: May 9th -10th, 2024


Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Basic and Advanced DNA courses

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The ThetaHealing® Technique is fabulous in getting to the origin of our issues allowing Practitioners to learn an incredible technique called ‘digging’. This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing® technique then uses Unconditional Love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.

The Dig Deeper Course is designed to inspire all ThetaHealers® who are well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, tips and tools you need so you are confident at digging to find your own or clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won’t know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.

This class will empower you to help yourself and your clients understand their own behaviors and lives, then through helping them make healing changes they’ll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.

You will Experience a System and a simplified process that brings you or your client face to face with the root belief that has been blocking healing and controlling many parts of your life. Once this is uncovered hundreds of beliefs shift at once and the core of the person feels the peace and balance like never before. Now any resistance will fall away and without fears or outdated misperceived beliefs the body can shift into balance where great health and vibrance is a way of life.



Dates: May 11th - 12th, 2024

Accelerated Energetic Reset BY MeLINDA LEE

Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Basic, Advanced and Dig Deeper Theta Healing Courses

Includes: Accelerated Energetic Reset Student Manual and Book

Accelerated Energetic Reset is a powerful part of the Formula for Miracles!

After over two decades and over 35,000 healing sessions I was inspired to create this program. It is my pleasure to bring this healing technique to you and my heartfelt wish is that you will experience the profound shifts you have been seeking.

Energetic Reset is a 58 step system that when applied accelerates shifts within the brain that restores all organs, glands and body systems to optimal balance. You will learn the keys to Energetically staying tuned up without all the steps. This program is streamlined toward treating your personal health challenge to shift things quickly.

The brain is the crown jewel and master computer of the human body. It is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of senses, initiator of body movement and controller of behavior. Each one of us is connected to and part of Spirit, God, Universal life force energy based on our personal beliefs. The Brain when connected to Spirit in the highest vibration of Love and Bliss is the most powerful creative force in the universe.

This Process that I was shown cleared sciatica in about 30 seconds after I had tried everything I could think of for 6 months. Melinda Lee And this combined with the other programs is what clears pain quickly, generally in seconds. And it doesn’t matter if the client is in front of me or anywhere in the world. This works and clients feel it immediately. Many clients have canceled surgeries, regained strength and balance and changed the physiology of their body so the problem is resolved.



Dates: May 13th - 14th, 2024

Course Prerequisites


Prerequisite: None required.

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The Basic DNA course introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating your innate gifts beyond the 12 strands of DNA. Each participant.will experience a deep connection in the Creation Brainwave of Theta where we activate your Super Consciousness! And as you step into the "Miracle Zone" with our Creator as your guide you will experience lightning speed healing that will awaken and align you with infinite possibilities.

The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, history and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. We inherit beliefs and emotions from our ancestors which hold us back and limit us from our greatest health, love, abundance, and success! We also activate all the greatness we inherited. This level we call the genetic level and this profound process allows you to permanently clear what no longer serves you so you can recreate the experience you wish to have.

You will experience a Heart Expansion through the Unconditional Love of the Creator like you have never known before. This like all things will ripple out into your life so you now attract everything differently through the eyes of our Creator/God. You will learn to identify your own limiting patterns in all aspects of your life as well as practice clearing and resolving timelines that have haunted you for far too long. You will no longer be repeating what feels like a family curse or karma. as you learn to identify dysfunctional ancestral patterns of belief that hold you back from healing and living the life you deserve.

Total Value: $1299

Today Just: $999

Dates: May 6th -8th, 2024


Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite:  Basic DNA 3 day course

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The Advanced DNA course expands on the information in the Basic DNA Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. You will discover how to heal yourself and others with the “Baby in the Womb” and “The Broken Soul” exercises. The student will receive Feelings and Knowing's that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them.

This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings, such as “knowing how to appreciate the now” and “what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.” As a student of ThetaHealing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work and enhance your knowledge on downloads. You will learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises while building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.

During this course Melinda will guide you in understanding viruses and vaccines, why you attracted it and how to clear it from the collective consciousness. We will dive deeper into the entity aspect, and reverse any and all DNA damage from childhood. A cleanse and nutritional support is recommended as part of any protocol Melinda offers. We will also be clearing harmful bacteria, parasites, candida, mental illness, dissolving kidney stones and healing bones. It’s a fascinating journey and one you definitely do not want to miss.

Each student will have the opportunity to ask questions and individual health challenges are addressed and shifted. Class size is limited for this reason. Much learning is accomplished through this in depth process Melinda guides you through. This process alone is priceless and as you learn her system of bringing it all together you recognize your ability to assist others in their personal healing and create a business for yourself and your family. You now are honoring your Soul Purpose and embracing Time Freedom. This is your time to Shine Brightly doing what you love that brings you Joy!



Dates: May 9th -10th, 2024


Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Basic and Advanced DNA courses

Includes: Theta Healing® Book and Student Manual (online)

The ThetaHealing® Technique is fabulous in getting to the origin of our issues allowing Practitioners to learn an incredible technique called ‘digging’. This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing® technique then uses Unconditional Love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.

The Dig Deeper Course is designed to inspire all ThetaHealers® who are well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, tips and tools you need so you are confident at digging to find your own or clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won’t know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.

This class will empower you to help yourself and your clients understand their own behaviors and lives, then through helping them make healing changes they’ll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.

You will Experience a System and a simplified process that brings you or your client face to face with the root belief that has been blocking healing and controlling many parts of your life. Once this is uncovered hundreds of beliefs shift at once and the core of the person feels the peace and balance like never before. Now any resistance will fall away and without fears or outdated misperceived beliefs the body can shift into balance where great health and vibrance is a way of life.



Dates: May 11th - 12th, 2024

Accelerated Energetic Reset BY MeLINDA LEE

Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Basic, Advanced and Dig Deeper Theta Healing Courses

Includes: Accelerated Energetic Reset Student Manual and Book

Accelerated Energetic Reset is a powerful part of the Formula for Miracles!

After over two decades and over 35,000 healing sessions I was inspired to create this program. It is my pleasure to bring this healing technique to you and my heartfelt wish is that you will experience the profound shifts you have been seeking.

Energetic Reset is a 58 step system that when applied accelerates shifts within the brain that restores all organs, glands and body systems to optimal balance. You will learn the keys to Energetically staying tuned up without all the steps. This program is streamlined toward treating your personal health challenge to shift things quickly.

The brain is the crown jewel and master computer of the human body. It is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of senses, initiator of body movement and controller of behavior. Each one of us is connected to and part of Spirit, God, Universal life force energy based on our personal beliefs. The Brain when connected to Spirit in the highest vibration of Love and Bliss is the most powerful creative force in the universe.

This Process that I was shown cleared sciatica in about 30 seconds after I had tried everything I could think of for 6 months. Melinda Lee And this combined with the other programs is what clears pain quickly, generally in seconds. And it doesn’t matter if the client is in front of me or anywhere in the world. This works and clients feel it immediately. Many clients have canceled surgeries, regained strength and balance and changed the physiology of their body so the problem is resolved.



Dates: May 13th - 14th, 2024

Course Fee Includes

Student Manual for each class (your manual can be printed in black and white, or full color)

ThetaHealing Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper eBooks

*Online Courses include the eBook and digital manual for each class

Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.

Once registered, you will receive an email with a registration link, Zoom event link, and any other pertinent details.

This is a ThetaHealing Practitioner Certification Event for Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper. After completion of the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Dig Deeper practitioner seminars, a ThetaHealing Practitioner becomes eligible to train as an Instructor of the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper. To qualify to attend any further Instructor training seminars, you must first have attended the appropriate Practitioner’s seminar.

Course Fee Includes

Student Manual for each class (your manual can be printed in black and white, or full color)

ThetaHealing Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper eBooks

*Online Courses include the eBook and digital manual for each class

Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.

Once registered, you will receive an email with a registration link, Zoom event link, and any other pertinent details.

This is a ThetaHealing Practitioner Certification Event for Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper. After completion of the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Dig Deeper practitioner seminars, a ThetaHealing Practitioner becomes eligible to train as an Instructor of the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper. To qualify to attend any further Instructor training seminars, you must first have attended the appropriate Practitioner’s seminar.

Here's what Melinda's Clients are saying about these incredible trainings...

Here's what Melinda's Clients are saying about these incredible trainings...

I'm Ready to Start Healing!

Daily Schedule (will vary)

✡️ Course Instruction Begins

✡️ 15 Minute Break

✡️ Continued Course Instruction & Application

✡️ 30 Minute Lunch

✡️Practice & Implementation of Techniques

✡️ 15 Minute Break

✡️ Continued Course Instruction

End of day

The Virtual Venue will be held via Zoom

Once you register – you will receive all of the details. 🙂

Other Reminders

Class will begin each morning at 10:00 am, Mountain Time. Please be on time and fully present during class. Have a notebook/pen handy and dress comfortably. We will have a morning and afternoon 15 min break. Lunch time may vary. Class will end sometime between 4:00pm-4:30pm, Mountain Time each day.

I'm Ready to Start Healing!

Daily Schedule (will vary)

10:00-11:00am: Course Instruction Begins

11:00am: 15 Minute Break

11:15am-1:00pm: Continued Course Instruction & Application

1:00pm: 30 Minute Lunch

1:30pm: Practice & Implementation of Techniques

3:00pm: 15 Minute Break

3:15pm: Continued Course Instruction

4:00pm: End of day

The Virtual Venue will be held via Zoom

Once you register – you will receive all of the details. 🙂

Other Reminders

Class will begin each morning at 10:00 am, Mountain Time. Please be on time and fully present during class. Have a notebook/pen handy and dress comfortably. We will have a morning and afternoon 15 min break. Lunch time may vary. Class will end sometime between 4:00pm-4:30pm, Mountain Time each day.

Meet Your Coach Melinda Lee

Melinda is a Medical Intuitive Master Healer and Spiritual Counselor with over 25 years of experience including over 30,000 healings in 

40 different countries. Her experience is supported by having owned Natural Healing Clinics, studying over 20 different healing modalities, and working closely with Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing®, and is a Master Instructor with Certificate of Science 

in ThetaHealing® herself.

She connects to the Infinite Realm to shift, change and transform people’s lives. People from all walks of life have witnessed instantaneous healing from physical ailments as well as extensive mental and emotional issues. Melinda demonstrates extraordinary healing techniques on world telesummits, television, radio, personal sessions and extensive courses she teaches around the world.

has also shifted numerous other medical conditions, such as: genetic defects, pain syndromes, hepatitis C, Lyme disease, Epstein bar, herpes, arthritis, tumors, a variety of cancers, broken bones, herniated discs, scoliosis, kidney stones, migraines, teeth re-arrangement, taste and smell issues, and other conditions too numerous to mention.

Teaching people this life empowering work is her passion and she travels extensively to do seminars internationally on ThetaHealing® and the healing powers of Spirit with our minds.

You may have seen me on...

Meet Your Coach Melinda Lee

Melinda is a Medical Intuitive Master Healer and Spiritual Counselor with over 25 years of experience including over 30,000 healings in 

40 different countries. Her experience is supported by having owned Natural Healing Clinics, studying over 20 different healing modalities, and working closely with Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing®, and is a Master Instructor with Certificate of Science 

in ThetaHealing® herself.

She connects to the Infinite Realm to shift, change and transform people’s lives. People from all walks of life have witnessed instantaneous healing from physical ailments as well as extensive mental and emotional issues. Melinda demonstrates extraordinary healing techniques on world telesummits, television, radio, personal sessions and extensive courses she teaches around the world.

has also shifted numerous other medical conditions, such as: genetic defects, pain syndromes, hepatitis C, Lyme disease, Epstein bar, herpes, arthritis, tumors, a variety of cancers, broken bones, herniated discs, scoliosis, kidney stones, migraines, teeth re-arrangement, taste and smell issues, and other conditions too numerous to mention.

Teaching people this life empowering work is her passion and she travels extensively to do seminars internationally on ThetaHealing® and the healing powers of Spirit with our minds.

You may have seen me on...

Here's what Melinda's Clients are saying...

Melinda is truly an earth angel, she not only can channel healing from the Divine, but she teaches you how to do your own healings as needed. She reset my twisted sacrum (from a bad fall 20 years earlier) . It had been causing me excruciating pain down my left leg, making both knees painful to walk. (no alternative doctors/treatment would help) It took only 3 sessions before the pain kept getting less and less. I'm now walking better, sleeping better, no more excruciating pain. I am eager for her to take me to the next level of overall health, so I can help heal my family. Thank you Melinda

Sherry Dinsmoor

I have loved working with Melinda. She has helped me heal from lupus, fibromyalgia, back pain, and migraines, while also assisting me in releasing trauma. She has been a powerful source of helping me stay centered in sobriety, and cutting cords that do not serve me in addiction. When you are with her, either in person or doing a session from around the world, you feel her genuine love, true desire to help others, her gift and see and feel Spirit moving through her. To work with Melinda is a true honor!

Terra Weiss

Melinda has been working with me for years and it has truly changed my life!!!. Her healings have cleared a mass on my brain , a mass in my bladder. Her sessions shifted and healed me from all negative energy...I am a completely healthy happy person now, living my best life ... I can't express my gratitude enough for her talent and gifts .. I highly recommend her workshops and sessions that are life changing .

Yvonne Brown

My weight has been a challenge for me most of my life. Never accepting my body and myself as I was, thus attracting more protection to my body as a cover up. Within 4 months of doing work with Melinda, I gave up over 40 pounds to the Universe and the sensation or need to “protect” myself no longer exists. Her work has truly been a gift to me on my healing path. I am a believer in a power greater than I am that works through me and others. The Divine energy with Melinda definitely met with and connected with the Divine energy in me to allow greater things to happen.

Laurie C

Here's what Melinda's Clients are saying...

Melinda is truly an earth angel, she not only can channel healing from the Divine, but she teaches you how to do your own healings as needed. She reset my twisted sacrum (from a bad fall 20 years earlier) . It had been causing me excruciating pain down my left leg, making both knees painful to walk. (no alternative doctors/treatment would help) It took only 3 sessions before the pain kept getting less and less. I'm now walking better, sleeping better, no more excruciating pain. I am eager for her to take me to the next level of overall health, so I can help heal my family. Thank you Melinda

Sherry Dinsmoor

I have loved working with Melinda. She has helped me heal from lupus, fibromyalgia, back pain, and migraines, while also assisting me in releasing trauma. She has been a powerful source of helping me stay centered in sobriety, and cutting cords that do not serve me in addiction. When you are with her, either in person or doing a session from around the world, you feel her genuine love, true desire to help others, her gift and see and feel Spirit moving through her. To work with Melinda is a true honor!

Terra Weiss

Melinda has been working with me for years and it has truly changed my life!!!. Her healings have cleared a mass on my brain , a mass in my bladder. Her sessions shifted and healed me from all negative energy...I am a completely healthy happy person now, living my best life ... I can't express my gratitude enough for her talent and gifts .. I highly recommend her workshops and sessions that are life changing .

Yvonne Brown

My weight has been a challenge for me most of my life. Never accepting my body and myself as I was, thus attracting more protection to my body as a cover up. Within 4 months of doing work with Melinda, I gave up over 40 pounds to the Universe and the sensation or need to “protect” myself no longer exists. Her work has truly been a gift to me on my healing path. I am a believer in a power greater than I am that works through me and others. The Divine energy with Melinda definitely met with and connected with the Divine energy in me to allow greater things to happen.

Laurie C

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ThetaHealing®?

ThetaHealing® is a technique that focuses on thought and prayer. ThetaHealing® teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create physical and emotional healing.

Is it like Reiki or other hands-on healing modalities?

We use the energy of God/Creator/Source to co-create a change or transformation like many other energy healing modalities. However, no applying of hands to or near the body is necessary to change the limiting beliefs and feelings which may be linked to illness. During the session we’ll be asking you questions, so it’s a talking therapy. We simply tap into the subconscious mind and make a statement to begin the healing with the Creator, which will allow us to begin making the changes necessary with his guidance and energy.

How many sessions will I need?

A lot of work can be covered in a short amount of time with ThetaHealing®. The amount of sessions needed will vary from person to person on what they want to accomplish. Many times clients will experience a shift within one session, however sometimes the belief systems around the issue are more complex and need deeper belief work done over a few sessions to achieve their desired change. To determine how many sessions you will need ahead of time would really depend on the negative subconscious belief systems attached to your issue and how fast they reprogram into positive and empowering ones.

What should I do to prepare for my session?

Drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated, this will allow your muscle testing to be clear and strong. During most sessions muscle testing will be needed. Coming into the session with an attitude and intention of wanting positive change and being ready for positive change is also important. It’s important to be clear on what issue you want to work on during the session and if you have an idea of how your issue is serving you or what you’re learning as a result of the issue, this will rapidly accelerate the pace of your session.

How do I know that Melinda Lee is the right practitioner for me?

Your intuition has brought you to this moment and guided you to Melinda, to help you overcome your current challenges. The more ThetaHealing® training a practitioner has, the more experience they have facilitating deep belief work on others and the more healing they have done on themselves will help them have the knowledge to facilitate your session. Melinda is a “Master’s/Certificate of Science” (the highest level in ThetaHealing®), certified in teaching 12 different ThetaHealing® courses and is a Pioneer of the ThetaHealing® work, going back over 20 years. She has been featured on Fox News twice and works with clients in over 60 countries.

 Is ThetaHealing® a religion?

Theta Healing® is an energy healing and personal development modality that creates positive changes in your life. It is not a religion or associated with any religious practices. However, believing in the creative energy that moves through all things makes ThetaHealing® easier and more accessible to you. The ThetaHealing® practitioner accepts some sort of higher Consciousness, or something greater in nature than themselves. This can be labelled Goddess, God, Universal Intelligence, Source, Energy of All That Is, Universal Love, or any other name. We appreciate and value everyone’s right to their own beliefs and spiritual practices.Theta Healing® is not “faith healing” – it works whether you believe in a higher intelligence or not, as long as you believe it is possible for you to heal and that you genuinely want to heal.

 What is DNA activation?

DNA Activation accelerates our psychic senses and redirects us to our best path, waking up our DNA to our highest potential. The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man and boosts the immune system. It has been given to us at this stage of our humanity evolvement, in order to survive environmental poisons and toxins created by man. It clears the DNA of mutated genes that can manifest disease in the body. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth’s collective consciousness, as babies are being born in with their DNA already activated and the basic 12 strand activation is now happening spontaneously to people. The important part that needs to be activated by a practitioner are the deeper aspects of activating the other shadow strands and chromosomes beyond the 12 strands, which give us our superhuman abilities.

 Theta Healing® DNA sounds technical. What does this mean?

When a practitioner is working with you and your beliefs, they are working with the ‘code’ or ‘programming’ that is stored in the DNA. Your DNA not only stores your physical attributes such a hair colour, skin pigment or gender. It’s also stores behaviors that are necessary for our survival such as the ‘fight or flight’ reflex. The DNA is also the store house for your beliefs and feelings. And the energetic field around the DNA stores ancestral memories. Practitioners are trained to intuitively ‘see’ the DNA when they are working with you, and witness Creator making the ‘programme’ changes on all levels.

 Do you have people sign a contract to practice Theta Healing®?

Yes, students have to sign a contract with the Theta Healing® Institute of Knowledge. This is to keep the work pure. When people attend a ThetaHealing® course that is what they expect to be taught. This agreement also allows for your name and information to be registered with the Institute for your services as a ThetaHealing® practitioner. You may become certified as a teacher through the institute in Montana that offers teachers certification courses once a year. As a teacher you can teach any modality you want, it just must be at a different time than the Thetahealing course offered.

I want to attend a Theta Healing Mastery Retreat but I don’t have the money right now. Is it possible to get a scholarship?

Yes, we do offer full and part scholarships on our courses. It’s given up to 10% of the people that attend a class who otherwise may not be able to afford to attend. These are working scholarships, so we ask that you also assist the instructor with a variety of things they need during the course and also with room set up and pack-up. Generally, you have to apply for the scholarship 2-3 months in advance.

Can I train as a Theta Healer while pregnant?

Yes you can. As with any therapy or treatment, it is recommended however to wait till after your first trimester.

ThetaHealing® is a technique that focuses on thought and prayer. ThetaHealing® teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create physical and emotional healing.

We use the energy of God/Creator/Source to co-create a change or transformation like many other energy healing modalities. However, no applying of hands to or near the body is necessary to change the limiting beliefs and feelings which may be linked to illness. During the session we’ll be asking you questions, so it’s a talking therapy. We simply tap into the subconscious mind and make a statement to begin the healing with the Creator, which will allow us to begin making the changes necessary with his guidance and energy.

A lot of work can be covered in a short amount of time with ThetaHealing®. The amount of sessions needed will vary from person to person on what they want to accomplish. Many times clients will experience a shift within one session, however sometimes the belief systems around the issue are more complex and need deeper belief work done over a few sessions to achieve their desired change. To determine how many sessions you will need ahead of time would really depend on the negative subconscious belief systems attached to your issue and how fast they reprogram into positive and empowering ones.

Drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated, this will allow your muscle testing to be clear and strong. During most sessions muscle testing will be needed. Coming into the session with an attitude and intention of wanting positive change and being ready for positive change is also important. It’s important to be clear on what issue you want to work on during the session and if you have an idea of how your issue is serving you or what you’re learning as a result of the issue, this will rapidly accelerate the pace of your session.

Your intuition has brought you to this moment and guided you to Melinda, to help you overcome your current challenges. The more ThetaHealing® training a practitioner has, the more experience they have facilitating deep belief work on others and the more healing they have done on themselves will help them have the knowledge to facilitate your session. Melinda is a “Master’s/Certificate of Science” (the highest level in ThetaHealing®), certified in teaching 12 different ThetaHealing® courses and is a Pioneer of the ThetaHealing® work, going back over 20 years. She has been featured on Fox News twice and works with clients in over 60 countries.

Theta Healing® is an energy healing and personal development modality that creates positive changes in your life. It is not a religion or associated with any religious practices. However, believing in the creative energy that moves through all things makes ThetaHealing® easier and more accessible to you. The ThetaHealing® practitioner accepts some sort of higher Consciousness, or something greater in nature than themselves. This can be labelled Goddess, God, Universal Intelligence, Source, Energy of All That Is, Universal Love, or any other name. We appreciate and value everyone’s right to their own beliefs and spiritual practices.Theta Healing® is not “faith healing” – it works whether you believe in a higher intelligence or not, as long as you believe it is possible for you to heal and that you genuinely want to heal.

DNA Activation accelerates our psychic senses and redirects us to our best path, waking up our DNA to our highest potential. The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man and boosts the immune system. It has been given to us at this stage of our humanity evolvement, in order to survive environmental poisons and toxins created by man. It clears the DNA of mutated genes that can manifest disease in the body. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth’s collective consciousness, as babies are being born in with their DNA already activated and the basic 12 strand activation is now happening spontaneously to people. The important part that needs to be activated by a practitioner are the deeper aspects of activating the other shadow strands and chromosomes beyond the 12 strands, which give us our superhuman abilities.

When a practitioner is working with you and your beliefs, they are working with the ‘code’ or ‘programming’ that is stored in the DNA. Your DNA not only stores your physical attributes such a hair colour, skin pigment or gender. It’s also stores behaviors that are necessary for our survival such as the ‘fight or flight’ reflex. The DNA is also the store house for your beliefs and feelings. And the energetic field around the DNA stores ancestral memories. Practitioners are trained to intuitively ‘see’ the DNA when they are working with you, and witness Creator making the ‘programme’ changes on all levels.

Yes, students have to sign a contract with the Theta Healing® Institute of Knowledge. This is to keep the work pure. When people attend a ThetaHealing® course that is what they expect to be taught. This agreement also allows for your name and information to be registered with the Institute for your services as a ThetaHealing® practitioner. You may become certified as a teacher through the institute in Montana that offers teachers certification courses once a year. As a teacher you can teach any modality you want, it just must be at a different time than the Thetahealing course offered.

Yes, we do offer full and part scholarships on our courses. It’s given up to 10% of the people that attend a class who otherwise may not be able to afford to attend. These are working scholarships, so we ask that you also assist the instructor with a variety of things they need during the course and also with room set up and pack-up. Generally, you have to apply for the scholarship 2-3 months in advance.

Yes you can. As with any therapy or treatment, it is recommended however to wait till after your first trimester.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ThetaHealing®?

ThetaHealing® is a technique that focuses on thought and prayer. ThetaHealing® teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create physical and emotional healing.

Is it like Reiki or other hands-on healing modalities?

We use the energy of God/Creator/Source to co-create a change or transformation like many other energy healing modalities. However, no applying of hands to or near the body is necessary to change the limiting beliefs and feelings which may be linked to illness. During the session we’ll be asking you questions, so it’s a talking therapy. We simply tap into the subconscious mind and make a statement to begin the healing with the Creator, which will allow us to begin making the changes necessary with his guidance and energy.

How many sessions will I need?

A lot of work can be covered in a short amount of time with ThetaHealing®. The amount of sessions needed will vary from person to person on what they want to accomplish. Many times clients will experience a shift within one session, however sometimes the belief systems around the issue are more complex and need deeper belief work done over a few sessions to achieve their desired change. To determine how many sessions you will need ahead of time would really depend on the negative subconscious belief systems attached to your issue and how fast they reprogram into positive and empowering ones.

What should I do to prepare for my session?

Drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated, this will allow your muscle testing to be clear and strong. During most sessions muscle testing will be needed. Coming into the session with an attitude and intention of wanting positive change and being ready for positive change is also important. It’s important to be clear on what issue you want to work on during the session and if you have an idea of how your issue is serving you or what you’re learning as a result of the issue, this will rapidly accelerate the pace of your session.

How do I know that Melinda Lee is the right practitioner for me?

Your intuition has brought you to this moment and guided you to Melinda, to help you overcome your current challenges. The more ThetaHealing® training a practitioner has, the more experience they have facilitating deep belief work on others and the more healing they have done on themselves will help them have the knowledge to facilitate your session. Melinda is a “Master’s/Certificate of Science” (the highest level in ThetaHealing®), certified in teaching 12 different ThetaHealing® courses and is a Pioneer of the ThetaHealing® work, going back over 20 years. She has been featured on Fox News twice and works with clients in over 60 countries.

 Is ThetaHealing® a religion?

Theta Healing® is an energy healing and personal development modality that creates positive changes in your life. It is not a religion or associated with any religious practices. However, believing in the creative energy that moves through all things makes ThetaHealing® easier and more accessible to you. The ThetaHealing® practitioner accepts some sort of higher Consciousness, or something greater in nature than themselves. This can be labelled Goddess, God, Universal Intelligence, Source, Energy of All That Is, Universal Love, or any other name. We appreciate and value everyone’s right to their own beliefs and spiritual practices.Theta Healing® is not “faith healing” – it works whether you believe in a higher intelligence or not, as long as you believe it is possible for you to heal and that you genuinely want to heal.

 What is DNA activation?

DNA Activation accelerates our psychic senses and redirects us to our best path, waking up our DNA to our highest potential. The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man and boosts the immune system. It has been given to us at this stage of our humanity evolvement, in order to survive environmental poisons and toxins created by man. It clears the DNA of mutated genes that can manifest disease in the body. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth’s collective consciousness, as babies are being born in with their DNA already activated and the basic 12 strand activation is now happening spontaneously to people. The important part that needs to be activated by a practitioner are the deeper aspects of activating the other shadow strands and chromosomes beyond the 12 strands, which give us our superhuman abilities.

 Theta Healing® DNA sounds technical. What does this mean?

When a practitioner is working with you and your beliefs, they are working with the ‘code’ or ‘programming’ that is stored in the DNA. Your DNA not only stores your physical attributes such a hair colour, skin pigment or gender. It’s also stores behaviors that are necessary for our survival such as the ‘fight or flight’ reflex. The DNA is also the store house for your beliefs and feelings. And the energetic field around the DNA stores ancestral memories. Practitioners are trained to intuitively ‘see’ the DNA when they are working with you, and witness Creator making the ‘programme’ changes on all levels.

 Do you have people sign a contract to practice Theta Healing®?

Yes, students have to sign a contract with the Theta Healing® Institute of Knowledge. This is to keep the work pure. When people attend a ThetaHealing® course that is what they expect to be taught. This agreement also allows for your name and information to be registered with the Institute for your services as a ThetaHealing® practitioner. You may become certified as a teacher through the institute in Montana that offers teachers certification courses once a year. As a teacher you can teach any modality you want, it just must be at a different time than the Thetahealing course offered.

I want to attend a Theta Healing Mastery Retreat but I don’t have the money right now. Is it possible to get a scholarship?

Yes, we do offer full and part scholarships on our courses. It’s given up to 10% of the people that attend a class who otherwise may not be able to afford to attend. These are working scholarships, so we ask that you also assist the instructor with a variety of things they need during the course and also with room set up and pack-up. Generally, you have to apply for the scholarship 2-3 months in advance.

Can I train as a Theta Healer while pregnant?

Yes you can. As with any therapy or treatment, it is recommended however to wait till after your first trimester.


Please note:

These classes are kept small to give you individual attention.

Class size is strictly limited, so act fast to secure your place!


Please note:

These classes are kept small to give you individual attention.

Class size is strictly limited, so act fast to secure your place!

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